Monthly Archives: July 2010

KLog updates

It鈥檚 been a long time since I published new information about KLog in this blog but KLog’s development has not been quiet.

Since the bug warning of KLog 0.5.3 I have released once each two months.

KLog 0.5.4 came during March as you can see in the announce of KLog 0.5.4.

It was mainly a bug-fixing release as you can see the the changelog:

March-2010 0.5.4
- Small fix to initialize a variable before using it.(realTimeLog in klog.cpp)
- Fixed a bug that caused KLog to crash of no cty.dat file was found (bug #016917)(TNX KA6MAL)

During April I released KLog 0.5.5 with a two interesting features (yes, the changelog shows three but for the user it would seem as just two):

April-2010 0.5.5
- New feature: If cty.dat file is not found, KLog offers to download from the web.
- New feature: New tool to update the update the cty.dat file from the web.
- New feature: QRZ font color changes to red if has been worked previously. (Proposed by KE7TDY)

I think it will improve the easy of use of KLog. Next phase would be to check if there is a new version of the cty.dat file and propose to download it.

And we get to July, when I released KLog 0.5.6, a minor release in terms of usability, not important KLog’s sources bugs solved, but definitely an important release as it has improved the way it manages how the compilation process manages the hamlib sources, and has ended with KLog in Fedora 馃檪

From the Changelog:
July-2010 0.5.6
- Fixed the hamlib compilation scripts (CMakeLists.txt, FindHamlib.cmake). (TNX AB4BD).
- Fixed one bug that causes some architectures not to compile.
- Fixed some permisions and other warnings for Fedora packaging. (TNX N3LRX).

Now I am working in KLog 0.5.7 and I hope it will be ready for release soon. I am working in a new tool of KLog that will export the QSOs that are still needed and we still have not sent the QSL card so that log can be imported in a label printing software to print the labels and send ALL the QSL cards easily.
I will export an ADIF file and maybe a CSV file to be imported into GLabels.

The proper way to go would be to create a label printing feature but it is a longer process and I wanted to speed up my own QSL card process 馃檪

While new release is ready: download KLog

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