Category Archives: Software Libre - Page 3

KLog 0.5.8 released

I am  happy to announce that the release of 0.5.8 version of KLog is available.

Download KLog 0.5.8 from:

or from the new site of KLog in Savannah :

The Debian package will be uploaded to the Debian servers during the following days. Read more »

KLog 0.5.7 released

It’s time for another KLog release.

KLog 0.5.7 is not a very big release… but it comes with some additions that may be nice for some of you. As I was announcing in my previous post about KLog.

I have added a very basic function capable to export all the needed QSO that has not been QSLed to a file… that can be imported to a label software to create the labels for the QSLs. I will continue working in the label generation feature of KLog for next releases.

The Changelog for this release reads as follows:

November-2010 0.5.7
– New feature: Added the Export needed QSL that allows to create an ADIF file with all the QSO with new ones and new bands still not confirmed that has not been QSLed.
The objective is to export it to a QSL or label printing software (until KLog implements that feature).
– Updated translations: SV by SM4ABE.
– GUI improved: Added sliders to be able to move panels.
– GUI improved: Changing the band combobox changes the TX Freq box and viceversa.
– Minor fix: The PROGRAMVERSION tag in log was not properly formated.

You can download KLog 0.5.7 from the mainsite.
You can also have more information in the main page of KLog or following the KLog’s tag in this blog.

KLog is free and open software and you can join the KLog’s team if you wish to help the development.
Please, send me all the bug reports and suggestions you have to improve KLog!

I hope you will like KLog.

KLog updates

It’s been a long time since I published new information about KLog in this blog but KLog’s development has not been quiet.

Since the bug warning of KLog 0.5.3 I have released once each two months.

KLog 0.5.4 came during March as you can see in the announce of KLog 0.5.4.

It was mainly a bug-fixing release as you can see the the changelog:

March-2010 0.5.4
- Small fix to initialize a variable before using it.(realTimeLog in klog.cpp)
- Fixed a bug that caused KLog to crash of no cty.dat file was found (bug #016917)(TNX KA6MAL)

During April I released KLog 0.5.5 with a two interesting features (yes, the changelog shows three but for the user it would seem as just two):

April-2010 0.5.5
- New feature: If cty.dat file is not found, KLog offers to download from the web.
- New feature: New tool to update the update the cty.dat file from the web.
- New feature: QRZ font color changes to red if has been worked previously. (Proposed by KE7TDY)

I think it will improve the easy of use of KLog. Next phase would be to check if there is a new version of the cty.dat file and propose to download it.

And we get to July, when I released KLog 0.5.6, a minor release in terms of usability, not important KLog’s sources bugs solved, but definitely an important release as it has improved the way it manages how the compilation process manages the hamlib sources, and has ended with KLog in Fedora 🙂

From the Changelog:
July-2010 0.5.6
- Fixed the hamlib compilation scripts (CMakeLists.txt, FindHamlib.cmake). (TNX AB4BD).
- Fixed one bug that causes some architectures not to compile.
- Fixed some permisions and other warnings for Fedora packaging. (TNX N3LRX).

Now I am working in KLog 0.5.7 and I hope it will be ready for release soon. I am working in a new tool of KLog that will export the QSOs that are still needed and we still have not sent the QSL card so that log can be imported in a label printing software to print the labels and send ALL the QSL cards easily.
I will export an ADIF file and maybe a CSV file to be imported into GLabels.

The proper way to go would be to create a label printing feature but it is a longer process and I wanted to speed up my own QSL card process 🙂

While new release is ready: download KLog

KLog 0.5.2 and KLog 0.5.3

During the last weekend I released KLog 0.5.2 and KLog 0.5.3.

Do you think that there is no reason for two releases during the same weekend?

Release early, release often isn’t it enough?

Well, I released KLog 0.5.2 on Friday night with the following Changelog:

February-2010 - 0.5.2
- Fixed a bug that causes a crash when connectiong to DXCluster. (bug #016653)
- Added a very basic Satellite support.
- Removed the Freq LCD and added two new editable widgets: Freq TX and Freq RX. (bug #016609)
- Added again the entity count of /M stations.

The main thing of 0.5.2 is the correction of a bug that caused KLog to crash when special strings arrived from the DXCluster.

Just some hours after 0.5.2, I released KLog 0.5.3 with the following Changelog:

February-2010 0.5.3
- Fixed a bug that caused modified QSO not being updated.
- Fixed a bug in the way the band & mode combobox managed the data.

The reason for that was that I discovered another bug in the modifying procedure of KLog that may cause QSO not to be properly updated.

Anyway, I also updated the Debian package of KLog.

The next steps for KLog includes:

Download KLog from any of these URL:

I am thinking about porting KLog to Windows in order to be able to reach to more users and maybe attract more developers to add more features and accelerate the KLog’s development.

Do you want to help KLog?

Añadiendo swap dinámica a mi sistema

Hace poco por tocar donde no debía y sin leer toda la documentación antes de darle al “enter” perdí el inicio de mi portátil y me quedé sin el “triple boot” en mi ordenador:

  • MAC OS X: para las tareas de jailbreak con el iPhone.
  • Windows XP: para los concursos de radioaficionado con el N1MM.
  • Linux/Debian: para todo lo demás. 🙂

Hoy andaba yo probando KLog generando el paquete de KLog para Debian y… uff qué lento se está volviendo esto… ¿Quién se está comiendo mi memoria?

Así que un vistazo al

free -m me dice que no tengo SWAP!!

Olvidé general la partición de swap cuando instalé los sistemas operativos y ahora no tenía ganas de andar cambiando particiones y demás… asi que la swap en fichero.
Un vistacillo al buscador de turno y caí en este URL donde te cuentan cómo instalar un fichero de swap dinámica en Debian… ¡ No conocía esta aplicación !

La instalación es sencilla… como casi todas las instalaciones de Debian:

aptitude install dphys-swapfile

Ya tengo 4Gb de Swap y el sistema ya no se me queda tan tostao como antes!

¿Quién dice que Linux es difícil? 🙂

Fin de una etapa: Hasta luego KDE-ES.

Hace unos días envié un mensaje a la lista de correo electrónico del grupo de traductores de KDE al español, KDE-ES.

Básicamente y para ahorraros la lectura del mensaje, en él presentaba mi ¿dimisión? ¿renuncia? o no se cómo decirlo, básicamente anunciaba que dejo la coordinación del equipo, exponía algunas de las razones que me han llevado a tomar esta decisión y proponía un plan para elegir al nuevo coordinador así como también presentaba como candidato a Eloy Cuadra, que creo que es una persona preparada, que conoce perfectamente la forma de trabajo del equipo y que lo hará MUY bien.

No me he cansado de traducir… es algo que llevo haciendo, yo diría que por lo menos unos 12 años y probablemente lo siga haciendo pero, entre unas cosas u otras ya no tengo el tiempo para dedicarle a KDE-ES todo lo que necesita (que dicho sea de paso, tampoco es tanto) así que antes de seguir ocupando un puesto sin poder subir las traducciones de los compañeros con la celeridad que requiere, sin atender a los recién llegados todo lo bien y rápido que me gustaría o sin mantener al día mis traducciones del paquete KDEBase, … antes de llegar a ser un lastre para el equipo, prefiero apartarme a un lado y dejar que otra persona coja el relevo y pueda seguir tirando y que KDE-ES siga creciendo y haciendo un trabajo tan bueno como el que ha hecho hasta ahora.

Hay que decir que el grupo de KDE-ES es un grupo de traductores MUY válidos, que trabajan a tope siempre que hace falta y consiguen que los usuarios de habla hispana de KDE dispongan de un sistema en español, con una calidad de las traducciones yo diría que bastante buena, superior en muchos casos a las traducciones de muchos programas propietarios y de pago.

Ahora y… desde la distancia se me ocurre una reflexión: Llevo unos o casi 10 años coordinando el equipo… mi cargo de coordinador parece que era vitalicio.

¿Son vitalicios los puestos de coordinador en los proyectos de software libre? Quiero decir… Siempre se ha dicho que en el software libre es la meritocracia la que ofrece, da y quita el liderazgo de los proyectos.

¿Ocurre realmente así? No se si la gente del grupo LibreSoftware habrán hecho algún estudio al respecto 🙂

Resumiendo y para terminar que me lio a hablar, … en unos días KDE-ES tendrá otro coordinador.

Mucha suerte y a seguir currando!

Translations needed for KLog 0.5.0

The following text comes from an email sent to the KLog’s mailing lists to ask for help to translate KLog.

Good afternoon,

During last summer I started the migration of KLog to the new Qt4.[1]

It is not being easy but I have received a VERY valuable help of Andrew, who joined the KLog’s development team and we changed some things of the development mode of KLog[2].

Anyway, KLog 0.5.0 is not far from be ready for distribution and I am writting this email to request your help with the translation of KLog.

You will be able to find the PO/POT files in the SVN server of KLog[3].

If you have some spare time and you want to help KLog a lot of users will thank you.

I still don’t have a final date for KLog… I want to close some bugs[4] before releasing the QT port of KLog although I think I will not close all bugs before releasing, just the most “criticals” and any bug that may cause data loss or data corruption.

You can download KLog from the SVN and start testing it. I will be happy to receive all your comments.

Thank you very much for your help.


Klog 0.5.0 on the way

Some days ago I was writting about the Qt4/KDE4 porting process of KLog.

I was having problema since a lot of things changes in the QT4/KDE4 API.

I had to fight against lots of compilation errors and warnings, I had problems to call the KLog and Setup classes so they were properly shown to the user.

I asked for help to the KDE-DEVEL-ES list where I received all the possible help.

Andrew joined the KLog’s team, now we are two people coding.

We are using an SVN server in Savannah to manage the code, we have opened two new mailing lists, one for developers and another one for the SVN anounces… We have started to use the bug tracking system of Savannah…

So, KLog is in good shape. It is still not ready for a new release but we are working and it will be ready soon.

You can download the unstable code from the SVN and see what it looks like and help us.

Anyway, this post is just to say that we will be using KLog. 0.5.0 soon.

Rewritting KLog for KDE4

I have been trying to port KLog from Qt3 to Qt4 without success for several months. Obviously I have not time to code everyday nor even every week or month, however I have spent lot of time searching for docs, playing with some tools and doing several tests.

Qt and KDE tools and tutorials are not good or clear enough for a non expert coder as I am. I don’t think that KLog is a complex application so, migrating a simple app, should be an easy task but it isn’t. 🙁

I am doing it just for fun and sometimes there is not fun at all. Having to rework all your software because a library update is not fun.

As KLog is a logbook for hamradio operators it is focused in lists of data: QSO, QSL, DXCC and other awards status.
I think I will have to rewrite lots of code: QListview, QListviewItems, QSocket and all the Q3Support related.

I am trying to port KLog although many times I think that a full rewritting would be the best solution.
I don’t want to orphan KLog! 🙂

I hope Qt4 provides lots of benefits because until now they are just giving work!

I will really thank any help with the KDE4/Qt4 port so, if you have some experience with the topic, the users of KLog and myself will appreciate your help or suggestions.

At least free software developing is not such a hard job, specially during summer. 😉

Actualizando los servidores desde un iPhone

Ayer se publicó una actualización de bind que resuelve una vulnerabilidad crítica que permite a un atacante causar una denegación de servicio (DoS). No solo se ha publicado la vulnerabilidad sino que, además, ya hay circulando un exploit.

Había que actualizar… y hoy era el día que le tocaba a mis servidores.

Estas actualizaciones, en Debian, suelen ser muy sencillas de llevar a cabo así que desde el sofá, iPhone en mano y con el TouchTerm me he puesto manos a la obra.

¿El resultado? En unos 4-5 minutos, incluyendo el tiempo de conectar y teclear los comandos adecuados… tenía mis dos servidores actualizados. 🙂

Algunos dirán que es una frikada pero actualizar dos servidores de nombres desde el sofá a través del teléfono móvil es la mar de cómodo! 😛

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