Kontest 0.0.2-alpha (Qt4 backport)

This is a quick post to tell you that I have just released a quick backport of Kontest to Qt4 (4.8.5) as some of you have told me that Qt5 is not OK for your system.

You can download from here:


For the binary packages (windows & OSX) you will have to wait a bit more or help me with them.  It’s been the first time I release software for Windows or OSX and I think I still need to learn some things 🙂

Thanks for testing!

Kontest 0.0.1-alpha or KLog 1-alpha: New alpha release

I have rewritten completely KLog into a new software, Kontest. The name is something still to be defined so if you have any preference, please tell me what you think! Today it is called Kontest, because I wanted to give KLog contest capabilities.

Today, let me call KLog to the previous software and Kontest to the new one, so we can understand each other. 🙂

What’s new with Kontest?

My first intention was to provide all the functionalities of KLog into Kontest, before releasing, to try to avoid the maintenance of two different software packages, however, there are some differences:

  • The main difference between KLog and Kontest is that Kontest can be run in Linux, OSX and Windows.
  • Kontest uses an sqlite database and can be executed in memory or in a file, providing speed or security of your data, you choose!
  • Kontest has an improved GUI, with some more fields to manage data.

What about the contest capabilities?
Even ifKontest has been designed to allow an “easy” integration of new contest from the developer point of view although today it is not supporting ANY contest…

My intention was to provide all the KLog functionalities first, and once the day-to-day logging is working as KLog, I will start working on the contest capabilities.

What can I do now?

  • First of all, remember that this is an ALPHA release so it may (I should use will) have many bugs. Don’t trust this software to be your only logging software (yet) and know that you can loose your data!! I am just releasing this version because I believe in the RERO development philosophy.
  • Join the mailing list. We will use the KLog’s mailing list. So please, subscribe and send all the bugs and suggestions you have.
  • Help with the development. You can join me to create the best multiplatform hamradio logging software we can.

So, how can I download Kontest?

Today, you can only download Kontest from Sourceforge.

Check the following link for the downloads:


That’s all.

Again, don’t hesitate to report any bug and/or suggestion you may have.

I hope you will enjoy Kontest!

Así suena mi estación en el otro lado del mundo

El otro día, mirando unos vídeos de radioaficionados en Youtube, me tropecé por casualidad con este video.

El video lo realizó Zamri, un radioaficionado de Malasia Occidental, mientras estaba con su estación de radioaficionado 9W2NMX.

Casualmente, en el video se escucha el comunicado que ambos realizamos en el mes de mayo de 2013. Se trata de un comunicado corto, en medio de un pile-up, pero se escucha mi señal perfectamente.

El contacto se realizó en la banda de 10m (28.500MHz), con una antena vertical HF9V.

Sin más, os dejo el video, el comunicado dura aproximadamente los 25 primeros segundos:


KLog 0.6.2 released

Yet another bug fix release has been published.

The new KLog 0.6.2 has four bug fixes and some minor GUI updates.

Download KLog 0.6.2 from:

The Debian package has been already uploaded to the Debian servers.

November-2013 – 0.6.2

  • Bug fixed: Under some conditions, KLog crashes when entering a new QRZ. (TNX LW1EQI).
  • Bug fixed: IOTA data was not properly cleared when clicking the Cancel button.
  • Bug fixed: QSL combobox content was not properly managed. (TNX DF4FH).
  • Bug (gui) fixed: IOTA continent is now “automagically” detected… again (a bug prevented this functionality).
  • GUI updated: You can click on RX or TX Frequency buttons to copy the frequency to the other one.
  • GUI updated: You can select eQSL in the QSL combobox as an option to mark the QSL information of a QSO.
  • GUI updated: Two new shortcuts: CTRL+W: deletes the current QSO. CTRL+Q: to (quick)edit the last QSO added.
  • GUI updated: Minor tab reorder.

I hope you enjoy KLog!



KLog 0.6.1 – released: Another bugfix release

As I told you some months ago, I keep rewriting a new software… but my free time is close to zero 🙁 sometimes code some lines but my time in radio is mostly spent in the radio 🙂

However… yesterday I was DXing in 50Mhz and I noticed that the bearing was not correct and the coding-virus made me fix the bug ASAP.

So … here is the data of this new release:

Download KLog 0.6.1 from:

The Debian package has been already uploaded to the Debian servers.

This releases has the following Changelog:

June – 2013 – 0.6.1

  • Bug fixed: Locator was not properly calculated due to a sign difference management from KLog and CTY.DAT.
  • GUI updated: The cursor position management of the QRZ box has been improved to ease the operation.

As always, KLog is available in English, Spanish, Portuguese, Brazilian Portuguese, German, Serbian, Galician and Swedish.

Thanks for your help and I hope you find KLog useful.

Reparando el display de un Kenwood TM-255

Hace algun tiempo compré un Kenwood TM-255 de segunda mano para mi estación de satélites.
Es un buen equipo y me permitiría completar mi estación para poder trabajar en full duplex y así acceder a los satélites con transpondedor lineal: FO-29, AO-7 y VO-52.

El único problema que tenía ese equipo era que la iluminación del display no funcionaba. Un problema menor, el equipo funcionaba perfectamente salvo ese tema.

Display apagado

Tras algo de investigación por Internet vi que el problema del display era más que habitual y decidí solucionar ese problema.

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KLog 0.6.0 released… 10 years of KLog and some news…

KLog is now 10 years old!! Wow time goes really fast! 🙂

Last release of KLog was one year ago… and this release is not adding many things… Bug fix as last one.
However… does it mean that KLog is dead?
Not it is not. 🙂

During this time I have been rewriting ALL KLog and now, the new software can be compiled for Windows and (probably) OSX (although I have still not tested OSX).
Of course… the new code will be released for Linux, as today !!
The idea behind this is making available the free software I am doing for more hams.

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Incidente o accidente de aviación en Toulouse

No tengo nada mejor que hacer ahora mismo más que escribir este apunte en el blog.

Hace unas horas me subía a un avión de Iberia para volver a Madrid desde Toulouse.

Todo era normal, como otras tantas-mil veces, el retraso de Iberia de casi una hora, la azafata que nos cuenta como ponernos los chalecos … y el piloto que empieza el taxi para la cabecera de la pista…

… y … ¿Donde va!!??

¡¡El avión se ha salido de la pista y el piloto se ha metido al campo con el avión!!! (increíble pero cierto). :-O

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KLog 0.5.9 released

Christmas holidays is always a great time for some coding 🙂 so I found some time to fix two bugs (this one and that one) that were reported just after the announce of KLog-0.5.8 … and as Eric S. Raymond says in The Cathedral and The Bazaar, I release early, release often Read more »

KLog 0.5.8 released

I am  happy to announce that the release of 0.5.8 version of KLog is available.

Download KLog 0.5.8 from: https://jaime.robles.es/download/klog-0.5.8.tar.gz

or from the new site of KLog in Savannah :

The Debian package will be uploaded to the Debian servers during the following days. Read more »

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