Category Archives: Tecnología

CQ RTTY 2018

Esta es la imagen del espectro en 20m (14MHz) del concurso CQ RTTY 2018 …

CQ RTTY 2018 espectro

Hamradio Telegram groups

Based on the good experiece with a Telegram group to discuss hamradio topics in Spanish [1], I decided to create some Telegram groups for English speakers.

It is a great tool to exchange information, discuss, anmounces, skeds, …

The links are the following:

Feel free to join the groups you like!

There are other groups, not managed by me but also very interesting:



[1] Spanish hamradio Telegram group (@radiodx)

Working FT-8 with WSJT-X and a smartphone

Working FT-8 is usually really easy thanks to WSJT-X.

It doesn’t need to much actions from the operator… just double click and wait and all the QSO will be done more or less automatically.

This way of automatize the QSO may be sometimes a little bit boring as you don’t have to do many things but it also has some benefits.

I was looking for a way to practice some hamradio when I was not at home… I have tested several things but all of them required quite a lot of equipment and complex operations, a computer or whatever.

So, my target was to find a way to do something from my smartphone.

Remoterig has an android software that you can use, even for voice communications… it is not too bad but it is not the best to call a DX when you are on a public place like a supermarket, in an airport… anyway, digital communications came to my mind.

The first step is to make everything work locally:

Raspberry Pi with Raspbian and WSJT-X.

Once my radio is connected to the Raspberry Pi and it is possible to do QSOs, it is time to do it remotelly.

In the Raspberry Pi, install the realvnc-vnc-server package.

In my smartphone I installed also the VNC Viewer app.

Now I can connect my mobile to the VNC server in the Raspberry Pi.

To switch on and off the Raspberry Pi and the radio remotely I am using a RemoteRig WebSwitch and the Android app. It is a very basic app, not very fancy but it does what it is expected to do.

That’s all, just one additional comment to this configuration:

I don’t recommend to expose directly the VNC server in your home network to the Internet.

How to connect securely and configure a VPN to connect from the Internet to my home network so I can connect via VNC to my Raspberry Pi is out of the scope of this post 🙂

So, today I am able to do digital communications with my Smartphone, wherever I am, connecting via VPN to a Raspberry Pi at home.

It is great to feel the hamradio is situations that it would not be possible!

The following is a screenshot of my smartphone:


EME: Raspberry Pi 3 + Spyserver + wifi

Hace unas semanas que he decidido empezar una cosa nueva que no he probado aun: EME / Rebote Lunar.

Básicamente consiste en apuntar tus antenas a la Luna, transmitir y que tus señales reboten en la Luna para alguien escuche esos rebotes desde la Tierra.

Se usa la Luna como pantalla para reflejar esas señales y así conseguir una comunicación entre dos estaciones terrestres.

El tema ni siquiera suena sencillo al contarlo así de rápido pero nadie negará que sea un reto!

Ahorraré detalles técnicos, la web está lleno de ellos y merece la pena leer mucho antes de lanzarse a la piscina pero… en algún momento hay que lanzarse.

No tengo el equipo más apropiado pero sí un par de ideas para ver hasta donde puedo llegar… luego ya iré consiguiendo el equipo según haga falta.

La primera fase de este acercamiento a la Luna consiste en recibir señales con el equipo que tengo:

Con la idea de minimizar pérdidas he pensado conectar la Raspberry Pi directamente a la antena, con no mas de 10cm de cable.

Para ello he montado una Raspberry Pi 3, con Spyserver y una conexión wifi.

Eso me permitirá usar el SDR# desde el cuarto de radio, con el WSJT-X y reducir al máximo las pérdidas en el coaxial.

Instalar el software es trivial siguiendo este tutorial de Spyserver en Raspberry Pi y en un rato está todo funcionando.

Siguiente paso: Conectar la antena y apuntar a la Luna. Habrá que buscar el día propicio.

Es muy posible que no consiga escuchar nada, así que habrá que ir preparando un preamplificador… pero eso más adelante, de momento empezaré con este equipo mínimo.

Recuperando un Microham MicroKeyer II

Hace unos dias, actualizando el firmware de mi MicroKeyer II tuve un problema y el proceso se quedó a medias, por lo que el dispositivo acabó convertido en poco más que un ladrillo, que no arrancaba ni era posible detectar desde el ordenador.

El uRouter no lo detectaba, y el icono de detección del microkeyer estaba en amarillo.

Lo que añado a continuación es el procedimiento que la gente de MicroHam me facilitó para intentar recuperar mi dispositivo y que funcionó a la primera:

  1. Apagar el MicroKeyer II.
  2. Conectarlo a un sistema MS Windows.
  3. Arrancar uRouter.
  4. Lanzar la actualización de firmware.
  5. No más tarde de un segundo, encender el MicroKeyer II.

El dispositivo debería leer el firmware del ordenador y cargarlo correctamente.

Si el procedimiento fallara, probar de nuevo, tratando de acertar con el momento de encender el MicroKeyer.

En mi caso, el procedimiento funcionó a la primera y recuperé el MicroKeyer II en menos de 2 minutos.

Interferencia en 21MHz

Dando una vuelta por la banda de 15m, 21MHz me he encontrado una señal desconocida. Concretamente 21.310MHz.

Una interferencia continúa, a base de pulsos y con una señal MUY fuerte que impedía el uso de la banda en frecuencias próximas.

Habrá que investigar qué puede ser.


Hace unos días tenia lugar el CQ WW RTTY 2017.

Casualmente en un rato de radio que tuve, me llamó la atención el espectro en 14MHz donde se ve claramente la actividad RTTY que tenia el segmento de comunicaciones digitales completamente lleno.

Aquí dejo una captura hecha con mi IC-7300.

KLog – You will not miss a KLog udpate anymore

Here we are again with a new KLog version.
As you will see below, there are several things that have been improved in this release however, the main new feature is the one that will check if there is a new version on every start or when the user request.

This feature will warn you if there is an updated version of KLog so you can keep your KLog in the last version.

The changes of this version are below:

May 2017 –

  • Check updates feature added. On start or when user desires KLog checks if there is one updated version available.
  • Simplified the way new logs are added, importing the general StationCallsign & Operators as default for new logs.
  • Improved the way first start was managed when no entity information was loaded.
  • GUI: Application icon is now shown in the application windows.
  • GUI: Updated some messages & tips.
  • GUI: DXCluster offers the Station Callsign as default value to connect.
  • GUI: Some menu minor reorganization.
  • Console: Added a few commands to the console command.
  • Changed the World class to be able to import files from any folder.
  • Changed how some non ARRL valid entities are managed to show the common name (Sicily / Italy).
  • BugFix: When manually importing a new CTY.CSV, although data was updated, it was not shown until next KLog start.
  • BugFix: In the others tab, the DXCC was sometime not correctly identified.
  • BugFix: Update on the DXCC widget caused no data to be shown if some columns were selected.
  • BugFix: Identification is a band was HF or VHF was not always properly done.
  • BugFix: Some improvements in data quality when exporting an ADIF file.
  • BugFix: When importing an ADIF file, if the file was not correct it was not possible to cancel the whole importing process.
  • Some minor changes on source code to optimize and improve.
  • Translations updated: Croatian (TNX M0NKC), Japanese (TNX JL3OXR) & Spanish (EA4TV).

Download (for free!) KLog for Linux/Windows/OSX in the KLog download page or directly from here:

If you find any bug or have any suggestion, please let me know.

Join the KLog mailing lists and discuss about KLog use and development!

Enjoy KLog!

KLog – DXCC Status and new satellite data entry

After some days on the RC1, a few bugs corrected I can happily announce the KLog release!

This KLog release comes with the following changes:

September 2016 –

  • GUI: Created a DXCC status where all the DXCC entities are listed showing the working/confirmed status.
  • GUI: Created a Satellite list including (up to now) only LOTW compatible satellites.
  • GUI: Created a widget to manage all “My Data” simplifying implementation of the main widget.
  • GUI: Bands in the combobox are always shown correctly ordered (botton-up).
  • GUI: Improved the LOTW date management (TNX JL3OXR).
  • BugFix: Preferences->Misc: It was not possible to edit the default filename. (TNX K6XT).
  • BugFix: Added the Power unit (W) to the power box. Debian bug #654332.
  • BugFix: When editing a QSO in some text boxes text was reused from previous QSO and data could be corrupted.
  • BugFix: Minor bug in WAZ management.
  • BugFix: When managing logs in the setup is was not possible to edit the log data as a new log was always created.
  • When starting KLog for the first time, the setup guidance has been improved.
  • When selecting an entity, different from the proposed on country file, KLog asks the user which one to use.
  • Operator from the selected log is used as default when entering QSO (as station callsign).
  • Japanese translation updated. (TNX JL3OXR).
  • Spanish translation updated.
  • Some cleaning in the code.
DXCC Status on KLog

DXCC Status on KLog


The main improvement of this release is first one in bold. It is a new widget showing the details of the DXCC status where you will be able to see how you are doing per DXCC entity and band.




The Satellite data entry widget has been also improved to make it faster easier to add satellite names and modes.

Download (for free!) KLog for Linux/Windows/OSX in the KLog download page or directly from here:

If you find any bug or have any suggestion, please let me know.

Join the KLog mailing lists and discuss about KLog use and development!

As always, thank you for using KLog and enjoy it!

KLog now in Japanese and with an icon

I am happy to announce the release.
Download KLog from the Download Page.

This is not the biggest release of KLog but it brings some new things, like the KLog’s new icon and the Japanese translation!

In this release I want to specially thank JL3OXR who has added he Japanese translation as well as reported and fix several bugs. (Thanks!)

Below, I am showing the changelog for this release.icon_512x512

January 2016 –
– Improved the way translations are managed (Specially in Linux).
– Icon application is now shown in OSX & Windows.
– New translation: Japanese by JL3OXR (Thank you!).
– Bugfix: Some strings where not defined to be translated (TNX JL3OXR).
– Bugfix: Some tips in the UI where not correctly placed (TNX JL3OXR).
– Bugfix: QSOs in JT9 were not properly imported from ADIF (TNX EA3XQ).
– Bugfix: Logfiles with the in the first line, following some test were not properly imported.

Today, KLog is translated into Spanish, English, Catalan and Japanese.

If you can help coding, with bug fix, bug reports, translating into another language or writing documentation, please contact me, I will welcome you to the KLog team!

Please join the lists, write a review in eHam or simply enjoy KLog, the Linux, OSX & Windows free hamradio logging software!

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