Based on the good experiece with a Telegram group to discuss hamradio topics in Spanish [1], I decided to create some Telegram groups for English speakers.
It is a great tool to exchange information, discuss, anmounces, skeds, …
The links are the following:
- DX Radio is a group for general hamradio discussions. https://t.me/dxradio (@dxradio)
- DX EME is a group for EME discussions: Antennas, equipment, announces, skeds… https://t.me/dxeme (@dxeme)
- DX Contest is a group for hamradio contest discussions: announce operations, comment on results, strategies, equipment, … https://t.me/dxcontest (@dxcontest)
- DXSat to discuss al about hamradio amateur satellites: skeds, operation techniques, equipment, antennas, QO-100…
https://t.me/dxsat (@dxsat) - KLogChat is a group about KLog, the multiplatform free logging software.
https://t.me/klogchat (@klogchat) - KLogES KLog en español.
https://t.me/KLogES (@KLogES)
Feel free to join the groups you like!
There are other groups, not managed by me but also very interesting:
- QO-100 spotting group: To spot activations in QO-100.
- QO-100: QO-100 discussions.
- AmsatOps: Satellites
- Digital Modes Group discusión de modos digitales.
- SDR-es Temas SDR.
- 50/70 Bandas de 4m y 6m.
- 144/432 skeeds para citas en V/UHF.
- ShurHamradio: Radioafición en general.
- Radioaficionados Spain: Radioafición en general.
- Manuales de usuario y servicio: Nada más que añadir.
- Satélites Ham: Satélites de radioaficionado.
- MF/LF: Canal privado sobre media y baja frecuencia.
[1] Spanish hamradio Telegram group https://t.me/radiodx (@radiodx)