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KLog 0.5.2 and KLog 0.5.3

During the last weekend I released KLog 0.5.2 and KLog 0.5.3.

Do you think that there is no reason for two releases during the same weekend?

Release early, release often isn’t it enough?

Well, I released KLog 0.5.2 on Friday night with the following Changelog:

February-2010 - 0.5.2
- Fixed a bug that causes a crash when connectiong to DXCluster. (bug #016653)
- Added a very basic Satellite support.
- Removed the Freq LCD and added two new editable widgets: Freq TX and Freq RX. (bug #016609)
- Added again the entity count of /M stations.

The main thing of 0.5.2 is the correction of a bug that caused KLog to crash when special strings arrived from the DXCluster.

Just some hours after 0.5.2, I released KLog 0.5.3 with the following Changelog:

February-2010 0.5.3
- Fixed a bug that caused modified QSO not being updated.
- Fixed a bug in the way the band & mode combobox managed the data.

The reason for that was that I discovered another bug in the modifying procedure of KLog that may cause QSO not to be properly updated.

Anyway, I also updated the Debian package of KLog.

The next steps for KLog includes:

Download KLog from any of these URL:

I am thinking about porting KLog to Windows in order to be able to reach to more users and maybe attract more developers to add more features and accelerate the KLog’s development.

Do you want to help KLog?

Translations needed for KLog 0.5.0

The following text comes from an email sent to the KLog’s mailing lists to ask for help to translate KLog.

Good afternoon,

During last summer I started the migration of KLog to the new Qt4.[1]

It is not being easy but I have received a VERY valuable help of Andrew, who joined the KLog’s development team and we changed some things of the development mode of KLog[2].

Anyway, KLog 0.5.0 is not far from be ready for distribution and I am writting this email to request your help with the translation of KLog.

You will be able to find the PO/POT files in the SVN server of KLog[3].

If you have some spare time and you want to help KLog a lot of users will thank you.

I still don’t have a final date for KLog… I want to close some bugs[4] before releasing the QT port of KLog although I think I will not close all bugs before releasing, just the most “criticals” and any bug that may cause data loss or data corruption.

You can download KLog from the SVN and start testing it. I will be happy to receive all your comments.

Thank you very much for your help.

[1] https://jaime.robles.es/blog/rewritting-klog-for-kde4/
[2] https://jaime.robles.es/blog/klog-050-on-the-way/
[3] http://svn.berlios.de/wsvn/klog/trunk/po/#_trunk_po_
[4] http://developer.berlios.de/bugs/?group_id=608

Klog 0.5.0 on the way

Some days ago I was writting about the Qt4/KDE4 porting process of KLog.

I was having problema since a lot of things changes in the QT4/KDE4 API.

I had to fight against lots of compilation errors and warnings, I had problems to call the KLog and Setup classes so they were properly shown to the user.

I asked for help to the KDE-DEVEL-ES list where I received all the possible help.

Andrew joined the KLog’s team, now we are two people coding.

We are using an SVN server in Savannah to manage the code, we have opened two new mailing lists, one for developers and another one for the SVN anounces… We have started to use the bug tracking system of Savannah…

So, KLog is in good shape. It is still not ready for a new release but we are working and it will be ready soon.

You can download the unstable code from the SVN and see what it looks like and help us.

Anyway, this post is just to say that we will be using KLog. 0.5.0 soon.

Rewritting KLog for KDE4

I have been trying to port KLog from Qt3 to Qt4 without success for several months. Obviously I have not time to code everyday nor even every week or month, however I have spent lot of time searching for docs, playing with some tools and doing several tests.

Qt and KDE tools and tutorials are not good or clear enough for a non expert coder as I am. I don’t think that KLog is a complex application so, migrating a simple app, should be an easy task but it isn’t. 🙁

I am doing it just for fun and sometimes there is not fun at all. Having to rework all your software because a library update is not fun.

As KLog is a logbook for hamradio operators it is focused in lists of data: QSO, QSL, DXCC and other awards status.
I think I will have to rewrite lots of code: QListview, QListviewItems, QSocket and all the Q3Support related.

I am trying to port KLog although many times I think that a full rewritting would be the best solution.
I don’t want to orphan KLog! 🙂

I hope Qt4 provides lots of benefits because until now they are just giving work!

I will really thank any help with the KDE4/Qt4 port so, if you have some experience with the topic, the users of KLog and myself will appreciate your help or suggestions.

At least free software developing is not such a hard job, specially during summer. 😉

Esporádica de mayo en 6m

Acabo de llegar a la banda de 6m (50MHz), las condiciones que tengo son bastante modestas para esa banda, un pequeño equipo multibanda y una vertical, también multibanda:

Ayer por la tarde coincidí con una esporádica en la banda de 6m. No es que fuera la esporádica de la historia pero fue interesante.

Se abrió un canal de comunicaciones con la zona del Reino Unido lo que me permitió establecer varios comunicados con estaciones sobre todo inglesas, alguna de Gales, Escocia, Irlanda, …

La esporádica no fue muy fuerte ni duró mucho pero los radioaficionados de la zona 4 sí que estuvimos una hora con altos y bajos (QSB) que hicieron que las estaciones entraran muy fuerte o se dejaran de escuchar completamente al poco tiempo.

Era interesante ver en el DX cluster cómo en otras zonas de Europa se abrían otros canales… incluso hubo algunos comunicados de estaciones EA1 con KP4.

También se escuchaban muy fuerte a las estaciones canarias (EA8) que se ponían las botas con estaciones del centro de Europa.

Un buen rato de radio. 🙂

KLog 0.4.7: New release

Some days ago I was working on KLog 0.4.7 and today I have released it.

All the changes are (obviously) in the Changelog. There are some bugfixes as always but the main point is the addition of a feature to import cabrillo logfiles. Those files come from the main contest software and the support of this format (only importing) have been requested by many users.

I also worked to improve the ADIF support as I told you.

Now it is time for testing. This release may have bugs, the cabrillo import tool may have bugs… I have only tested with the logs of the last CQ WPX SSB but it worked 100% 🙂

That’s all, enjoy the last KLog release and report all the bugs you find and features you miss.

Direct link to KLog 0.4.7.


Un TBR-160s para mi HF9V

Estas fiestas, entre otras cosas me han regalado (¡muchas gracias!) esto:


No, no es sólo un muelle… que también.

Se trata de una bobina y un par de condensadores (digamos un filtro, resonador, como lo queráis llamar) de forma que se consigue que la HF9V pueda funcionar en la banda de 160m (1.8MHz), la top-band.

Ahora a esperar a poder subir al tejado… porque creo que hoy no es el día.


¡Nos escuchamos en 160m!


KLog update: working on 0.4.7

Some days ago I released KLog 0.4.6 (you can find it in the KLog’s main repository) and now I am working on 0.4.7.

I am working to give KLog 0.4.7 a full support of ADIF 2.2.2 (although we are already working in the 2.2.3 release). The main task is to add all the ADIF’s fields so a user using KLog will not loose any data when comming to KLog.

KLog is still not offering the full ADIF fields for editing/adding but the objective for 0.4.7 (or maybe 0.4.8) is to be able to manage ALL the fields internally so no data is lost. Once KLog can manage all ADIF fields, It will be easier to add some of them to the GUI and allow the user to work with them.

KLog 0.4.6: bugfix release

Ayer publiqué la versión 0.4.6 de KLog. Se trata de una versión que únicamente aporta la corrección de dos fallos, uno de ellos de suficiente entidad como para publicar una versión de “urgencia”.

El fichero de cambios dice:
20-dic-2008 0.4.6

  • Error corregido: La impresión no funcionaba correctamente debido a una actualización de la librería.
  • BUG fixed: Los campos STX/SRX/STATION_CALLSIGN/CONTEST_ID se copiaban de un QSO al siguiente.

Básicamente los campos de datos para concursos de radioaficionado no se reiniciaban entre QSO y QSO al leer el log y se falseaban los datos al añadir esos campos ADIF a QSO que no deberían incluirlos.

El fallo ha estado sin descubrir desde el día 23/noviembre.

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